Proctor Administration Agreement

We at Instruis Publishing Company believe that proper training and testing is vital to the safe and responsible service and sale of food and/or alcohol. We believe that only those who are properly trained and who fully understand the materials in their SURE course should be permitted to work in the food service or retail industry.

The purpose of this Proctor Administration Agreement (agreement) is to ensure that the administration of the SURE examinations follow all Instruis Publishing Company’s policies and procedures regarding the examination process. This is vital in the training and certification of SURE trained individuals. It is designed to promote adherence to and compliance with the procedures relating to the examination process. It specifies accountability and standards of ethical conduct. By checking each box listed below you acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions of the Proctor Administration Agreement. Failure to adhere to this Proctor Administration Agreement may result in revocation of your Proctor Certification and, worse, may endanger the public.

I have read and understand the policies and procedures in the SURE Proctor Manual.

I realize that as an Instruis certified SURE Proctor my conduct reflects on Instruis Publishing Company. I understand that I have an ethical responsibility as an examination proctor and I will conduct myself in a professional manner. I will be honest, impartial, and respectful. I will not act in any manner that may reflect negatively on Instruis Publishing Company and the SURE product line.

I understand all of my duties and responsibilities as a SURE Proctor. I will comply and properly implement all policies and procedures outlined in the Proctor Manual. If I fail to comply with these policies and procedures, I may be subjected to disciplinary action; up to and including suspension and/or revocation of my SURE Proctor privileges.

I understand that any and all material I receive is confidential and may not be provided to any other person or corporation except in accordance with this agreement. I am responsible for all SURE testing materials in my possession. I understand the importance of examination security and will take all necessary steps and precautions to safeguard any material in my possession. In order to protect the examination, I will store all examinations in a locked and secure location. I will be the only person to have access to these examinations. I am aware that all examinations are confidential and may not be reviewed by anyone other than examinees and me at the time of the examination. I will maintain the confidentiality of the examination materials at all time. I have read and understand the security breach and violations protocol. In the event that there is a security breach or violation, I will follow all appropriate procedures and will notify the Instruis Publishing Company’s SURE Proctor Lead.

I understand that the examination materials and other materials I receive from Instruis Publishing Company are the property of Instruis Publishing Company, that some of these materials are copyrighted, and the copyrights are owned by Instruis Publishing Company.

Other than printing the examination from and making sufficient copies for examinees, I will not copy, duplicate, download, capture, record, transcribe, or publish any of the examination materials for any reason nor will I permit anyone else to do so. The making of copies of examination or any other material from Instruis Publishing Company, in any form (including, but not limited to electronic, paper, or digital) will result in immediate revocation of my SURE Proctor privileges and may result in legal action against me.

I understand that if I choose, I may charge an administration fee to the examinees. It is not Instruis Publishing Company‘s responsibility to collect fees. Instruis Publishing Company will not be held responsible for any payments not received.

I will adhere to all the exam location guidelines and standards as described in the Proctor Manual.

I will create seating arraignments for the examinees to ensure the integrity of each individual examinee’s performance, and to prevent cheating.

I will not administer the examination to anyone when that might give rise to the appearance of a conflict of interest. This includes family member, friends, peers, and myself.

I am aware that I am only permitted to proctor 30 examinees or less at one time. I will not leave the room for any reason unless there is another SURE Proctor present and there are less than 30 examinees present in the room.

I will verify the identification of each examinee by inspecting two forms of acceptable identification. I will not allow the examinee to take the examination if they present an unacceptable form of identification.

During the examination process, I will remain fair and impartial. I will not help nor assist the examinee in answering questions. I will not accept any form of payment or bribes in exchange for unfair or preferential treatment from anyone nor be influenced by the examinee in any way. (This does not include the examination administration fee.)

While administering the examination, I will clearly explain the information and pre-examination instructions. I understand that it is not mandatory to read the pre-examination statement verbatim but I must be able to explain the information contained in this statement to the examinees. I will allow time for examinees to ask any questions.

When distributing and collecting the examination and answer sheets, I will follow the proper procedures to ensure the confidentiality of both students and the examination. If an examination appears to go missing during this process, I will follow all necessary procedures in order to recover that examination. I will submit the Examination Discrepancies Report along with the Cover Page: Examination Report.

To assure fairness, I will have the examinees abide by all time limits set forth by the SURE Examination. I will only allow extra time to an examinee if he/she has been pre-approved through the Examination Accommodation process. I must receive the approval form in writing and provide it to Instruis Publishing Company.

I will not let more than one examinee out of the room at a time. If an examinee must take a break, I will have them sign out on the Restroom Sheet and I will take their examination and answer sheet until they return.

I will adhere to all examination answer sheet submission deadlines and I will e-mail confirmation numbers to the respective party. I am aware that if the deadlines are not met, suspension and/or revocation of my SURE Proctor privileges may occur.

I will send in all the necessary paperwork when submitting SURE examinations.

If an examination discrepancy occurs I will take the appropriate action. I will report all examination discrepancies. I will submit the Examination Discrepancies Report along with the Cover Page: Examination Report.

I will not alter, falsify, or tamper with data or information from examination materials. This includes examinations, answer sheets, Cover Page: Examination Reports, or Examination Discrepancy Reports.

I will properly dispose of examinations by either using a paper shredder or secure document destruction company.

I will not discriminate on account of their sex, race, color, age, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, mental disability, or any other status.

I am aware that the penalty for violating or failing to complete my duties as a SURE Proctor are that I will be subjected to any of the following: warning, suspension/ temporary inaction, decertification, possible legal action, or any other course of action that Instruis deems appropriate.

By checking these boxes, I intend to be legally bound by this agreement.